Are Wireless Devices Safe or are They Silently Making You Sick?

Just like you I’m always interested in learning other ways to improve not only my health but also of those I love. That’s why I attended an info evening by Priyanka Bandara about how wireless devices may be affecting our health.

Here is what I picked up and thought you should know, so you can make some decisions about how you and your loved ones use wireless devices.

But why should you care about electromagnetic radiation (EMR)?

Because we are living in environments filled with EMR. Wi-fi and internal signals on your phone are types of EMR and they’ve become common place in most homes, schools, workplaces, shopping centres and even on public transport.

But do we even know what effect this radio frequency microwave radiation is having on our health?

We just want the convenience of being able to access the internet anywhere, anytime…without a thought about its potential side-effects.

Have we learned the lessons from our past?

At present these is no conclusive proof that it’s harmful but there is significant reasonable doubt.

I mean, it wasn’t so long ago that we were using asbestos in buildings because it was once marked as safe and effective. Now we know how dangerous it is because we’ve seen the devastating effect it can have on people’s health. The same goes for tobacco, when years ago even health professionals used to say it was good for you! We know now how hazardous it is to your health.

So, you may be asking what are the effects of EMR…

The problem is that EMR hasn’t been around long enough for there to be long-term studies to identify any negative effects of repeated exposure to these radio frequencies.

There are safety standards in place because of the negative impact that repeated use of wireless devices can have on the brain. But, the current studies have only looked at the thermal effects (heating) of EMR…they don’t consider the evidence of non-thermal biological effects on the body.

Let’s consider the facts:

·      Wi-fi travels up to 30 metres indoors and even penetrates your skin

·      Children are more at risk due to their thinner skulls and actually absorb up to 10 times more radiation…scary!

·      The wi-fi routers that are in schools are much more powerful than in homes. Think of how much further the signal has to reach

·      20 other countries around the world have banned wi-fi in schools

·      Wireless devices have antennas in them – laptops and ipads have 5 antennas! The more antennas, the more radiation.

·      Public transport…think of all the mobile phones in such a small space all receiving signals and the fact that metal surroundings create radiation hotspots.

Here are 7 tips for better tech health:

1.     Use earphones when you’re on your mobile instead of your phone directly to your ear.

2.     Bluetooth also uses radio frequency waves – turn off Bluetooth when you’re not using it.

3.     Use non-wireless connections – connect using cords as much as possible, from internet, printer, home phone to entertainment accessories.

4.     Turn on airplane mode when your children are using devices and turn wi-fi off. Also, avoid having the device on their lap!

5.     Increase the distance you are from emitting sources. Research shows that this radiation can damage sperm and has been linked to breast cancer. Eg. Don’t store your phone in your pocket or for the ladies, in your bra and if you have a baby…don’t put your phone in your pram, OR set it to airplane mode with wi-fi off.

6.     Minimise the impact on sleep. Don’t charge phones and other devices in your bedroom as the charger creates an electromagnetic field of its own. Also, the radiation and light emitted from your devices affects quality of sleep.

7.     Ask your child’s school to reconsider the use of wi-fi.

Are you concerned about the use of wireless devices at your child’s school and its impact on your child’s health?

If you answered yes…I encourage you to do your own research and even contact Priyanka Bandara who is an expert on this topic.

I’ve included her LinkedIn contact here –