Why ignorance is not bliss…it’s pain
Habit patterns are good when they are helping you to get the results you want in life. They can become a problem when your patterns are holding you back from achieving the results you want.
Habit patterns are good when they are helping you to get the results you want in life. They can become a problem when your patterns are holding you back from achieving the results you want.
Anyone can change…you’re changing all the time. You change your clothes, change jobs, change cars, change partners and the list goes on.
But what we’re talking about are changes that make a real impact on your life…
What’s the issue most people have when it comes to health?
You want a certain level of health and vitality but you\’re not getting it.
What’s stopping you?
A lack of commitment.
One of my habits (perfectionism) can sometimes get in the way. I didn’t need to be losing sleep over a few formatting discrepancies. This is something I’m very aware of and working on changing my mindset around it.
I’m dedicated to continuing to work on my patterns of habit because the moment you take your eye off them they creep back in!