Jen Edge

In reality we need to be ok with feeling it all

What’s the big unattainable goal so many people are striving for?

Be happy…all the time.

I recently attended a 10-day silent Vipassana Meditation Retreat. The days consisted of a repetitive cycle of nothing more than…sleep, eat, walk, meditate.

Sounds tough, right? And it was.

Work in progress…and it\’s ok

One of my habits (perfectionism) can sometimes get in the way. I didn’t need to be losing sleep over a few formatting discrepancies. This is something I’m very aware of and working on changing my mindset around it.

I’m dedicated to continuing to work on my patterns of habit because the moment you take your eye off them they creep back in!

Are You Making This 1 Terrible Goal Setting Mistake?

You are driven. You have dreams, wants and desires. That’s why you set goals – to make those dreams a reality.

But there’s something missing.

Maybe you’ve asked yourself…

“Why do I feel so empty inside? I thought this is what I wanted.”

Or maybe…

“Why is it that no matter how hard I try I don’t achieve what I want?”

I know I have.

Anger or appreciation…it’s your choice

How can you have an extraordinary life if you’re holding onto stress, frustration, anger, disappointment?

Holding onto these feelings is toxic!

Your body and mind are suffering as a result….and it permeates through all areas of your life.

The Centre for disease control (CDC) found that 85% of all diseases have a strong link to your emotional state.

Three ways to take back control of your feelings

Have you ever felt like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster?

Like you can’t get a hold of your feelings? Well you’re not alone…

Maybe you even caught yourself uttering the words…

“That person made me feel so…”

Although you might truly believe others are at fault, by not taking responsibility for your feelings you become at the mercy of other people. And that’s just not fair on you.

Are Wireless Devices Safe or are They Silently Making You Sick?

Why should you care about electromagnetic radiation (EMR)?
Because we are living in environments filled with EMR. Wi-fi and internal signals on your phone are types of EMR and they’ve become common place in most homes, schools, workplaces, shopping centres and even on public transport.

But do we even know what effect this radio frequency microwave radiation is having on our health?

The Slow Hunch…why posture matters

What is the slow hunch you ask? And why should I care?

Well, I call the slow hunch the changes in your posture that you don’t notice until they’re set in…argh!

The problem then becomes having to work so much harder to get your posture back to where it should be for optimal body movement and performance.

Why Multitasking is a Farce…

You can talk on the phone whilst driving…

You can write a text whilst having a conversation with a friend…

You can listen to music whilst working…

So, you think you’re an expert at multi-tasking…I’d like to challenge you on that.